Security cleaner for electric and electronic equipment and installations
It is a powerful remover of mineral grease, carbon residues and tin micro-welding residues. It is totally safe since it is non-flammable and has a high dielectric rigidity that allows it to be use even without tension. It does not damage varnishes, plastics, acrylics or the plates flux. It does not leave residues and is not corrosive. Do not contains carbon tetrachloride, trichloroethylene or methylene chloride. Ideal for the cleaning of printed circuits, hoppers engines, bill acceptors and coolers.
LGR 500
Liquid for the cleaning of the slots´bill validators and cash machines.
It is a controlled evaporation degreaser that cleans and at the same time protects the plastic or rubber components. Ideal for wheels or rubber toothed belts, gears and moving plastic pieces of the slots’ bill validators, bill counting and packing machines, coins counters and sorting machines, etc. It does not damage rubber, high density plastic, wires, acrylics or electronic parts. Remove ink. Do not damage the optical or magnetic readers.
Limpiador para validadores y máquinas de caja. Remueve tintas y grasitudes minerales y orgánicas. No ataca plásticos de alta densidad, acrílicos, lectores ópticos ni magnéticos. Limpia y protege ruedas de goma y correas dentadas manteniendo su elasticidad, evitando que resequen y agrieten.
Aplicar sobre la su perficie y dejar actuar 20 segundos. Luego frotar con pincel y terminar con paño de algodón o papel absorbente.
LGR 501
Water soluble cleaner, special for slots stackers.
Effective remover of dirt that is usually found in stackers, such as nicotine, fine dust and other types of greasiness. Do not damage rubber, plastics or prisms maintaining its optimal translucency conditions. Do not contain caustic, abrasive or corrosive elements that could harm any part of the stacker. It is biodegradable. It is non-flammable or aggressive por the user. It is very inexpensive since it is water soluble.
Lubricante anti goteo de efecto centrípeto especial para pequeños mecanismos metálicos o plásticos. Su gran adhesividad le permite soportar altas velocidades, manteniendo un film lubricante, aún en el momento del arranque, evitando goteos y desprendimientos durante el funcionamiento. No ataca plásticos y no mancha.
Especialmente desarrollado para lubricar cajas de engranajes de motores de validadores y hoppers, ejes de motores y coolers, sinfín de guía centradora, engranajes plásticos de validadores, impresoras, contadoras, clasificadoras y enfajadoras de billetes, etc.
Thermal printers cleaner.
Remove greasiness, ink remains, nicotine, fine dust.
Do not damage plastics or rubber. Clean the rollers improving its traction and extending its useful life.
Antistatic and water soluble polisher for slot cabinets.
It´ is a cleaner for mild dirt, finely scented and very inexpensive since it is water soluble. Its antistatic effect and the absence of wax in its formulation, prevent that the nicotine from cigarette smoke and particles in the air, to adhere to the surfaces, so their natural color and shine are highlighted. Replaces the expensive traditional sprays.
Water soluble for touch-screen slots.
Effectively remove the common grease and dirt present on slots monitors, without harming the touch-screen. Its antistatic effect prevents particles in the air to adhere. It is very inexpensive since is water soluble. Do not contains ammonia or caustic components. Non-flammable. Biodegradable.
Multifunctional cleaner, water soluble, special for slot machines.
Effective remover of dry nicotine, sugar, beverages and/or that could be inside or outside of the machines. It does not contains caustic, abrasive or corrosive elements that harm any part of the slot. It is biodegradable. It is not flammable or aggressive for the user. It is very inexpensive since it is water soluble.
Limpiador especial para plaquetas, motores y validadores de slot. Remueve grasitudes minerales, residuos carbonosos y restos sulfatados. No ataca barnices de bobinados, plásticos de alta densidad, acrílicos, bakelita ni el flux de las plaquetas. Tiene un excelente arrastre de suciedad debido a su evaporación controlada. Su elevada rigidez dieléctrica (28 Kv) le permite usarlo con los equipos en funcionamiento.
Rociar la superficie y dejar actuar durante 20 segundos y frotar con pincel. Luego rociar nuevamente para lograr un buen arrastre de la suciedad.